Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

How do I order?
Text Mary at 289-600-8520. Specify if its a custom piece or print you’re interested in. If a print, identify the title of the piece you’d like.
What forms of payment do you accept?
All parcels are shipped charge on delivery (COD). This means once it arrives, you pay Canada Post the cost of your piece + postage.
How long will it take to make my piece?
Prints are usually shipped out within a few days of ordering. Complete custom pieces take upwards of three weeks to complete.
Can you change a print by adding to it?
Prints can usually be added to within reason.
Do you need a picture of my medals, dog tags etc?

No, Mary does not need to see images of items she’s familiar with, but it never hurts to send them. If it’s something she’s not familiar with, she’d need an image to work from.

Can you do portraits?

Portraits are not Mary’s specialty, however she is willing to make an attempt at it.

Can you duplicate an old image that had been damaged?


The badges, crests and insignia of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are copyright and/or trademark protected. In accordance with Chapter 6, section 10, paragraph 6 of CFP A-DH-200-000/AG-000 “The Heritage Structure of the Canadian Armed Forces” only a Commanding Officer may authorize reproduction of the formation or unit’s official badge. Additionally, under the authority detailed in Chapter 10-4, section 3 of the Personnel Support Programs Policy Manual, a Branch, Regimental or Group Fund may establish a kit shop to offer specialized merchandise to the Branch, Regiment or Fund. Therefore, unless an order is accompanied by the written authorization of a unit Commanding Officer or a member of the senior executive of a Branch, Regimental or Group Fund (or their respective delegated authorities) it will not be processed.